Forty ladies and one man attended the NCEATA retreat this year at Kurri, with a mix of members, and non-members including 5 teachers from St Francis Greenway high school. The weather was beautiful, the company interesting and the techniques stretching!
Friday night we visited the Mad Hatter's Tea Party briefly and later presentations from the tutors allowed us windows into their world, lives and art practise (each in different ways and measures).
After a hard day working Saturday : refuelled by great, but short food stops; we laughed, lied, told the truth as well as had a group show 'n' tell in true NCEATA style., it was inspirational and we hope those items in progress with deadlines were finished on time- with or without sleep!
Trading tables were full this year, money and goods were changing hands which was great to see.
As usual Sunday was too short but the UFO group modelled their work at lunchtime, people waited long enough for the raffle to be drawn (have you heard yet??? our Wendy Scott won!) and hurried back to get as much done as possible.
Dolls were a wrapping success, nature was expressive and inspiring, while quilts were freely machined and drawn. We hope to see some of these outcomes at the June meetings and anyone who has a photo of work for the newsletter & website please send it through to the appropriate people.
Thanks everyone for booking, paying, turning up with a good attitude which includes a spirit of learning and leaving the site by the deadline (which was bit close for the wrapping tutor I won't mention names!)
If anyone has suggestions for tutors for workshops don't hold back let us know. The NCEATA committee is reviewing the retreat as a project this month so stay tuned.....
Thanks, Bronwyn & Gail, KURRI CO-ORDINATORS
View some photos below of this creative and information packed weekend retreat.
